Open Yourself Up To A Life Of Purpose And Abundance With The Think And Grow Rich Challenge

Discover The Transformative Mind Power Secrets & Actionable Steps, Used By The Most Successful People In The World, To Have The Wealth, Happiness, and Success That You Want!

How would you like to learn to open yourself up to endless abundance in anything that you want in life?

How would it look for you to align your desires for your life with your life’s purpose?

The Think And Grow Rich Challenge, based on the phenomenally successful book of the same name by Napoleon Hill, is an online event and kicks off on

Wednesday at 8am PT | 11am ET | 4pm UK and runs for 3 days, until Friday.

As well as several excellent, relatable and inspiring Speakers, this is The ONLY Challenge With The RARE Opportunity To Be…

Taught By Napoleon Hill Himself!

How, you might ask, is this possible?

The answer is simple: through LOST video recordings from the 1930’s!

Imagine it’s 1937 and ‘Think & Grow Rich’ was just barely published…

And imagine before it became the international best-selling book, selling over 100 million+ copies worldwide…

…you had the rare opportunity to sit with Napoleon Hill, in the flesh, and be taught the principles from ‘Think & Grow Rich’ and how to apply them directly into your life.

That would be like learning how to write a page-turning story by Stephen King…
​Or how to do the butterfly stroke by Michael Phelps…

Or how to play the electric guitar by Eddie Van Halen.

In other words: to receive some of the greatest wisdom on planet earth directly from Napoleon Hill himself… would cost THOUSANDS of dollars in today’s time.

But today, you’re in luck, because Russell Brunson has had the great fortune of obtaining rare, never-before-seen footage of Napoleon Hill in the flesh teaching his principles!!

And when you sign up for the ‘Think & Grow Rich Challenge’ today, you’ll get the chance to learn directly from The Master of Personal Development, Napoleon Hill, himself for FREE!

Join the FREE Think & Grow Rich Challenge NOW

When you join, you’ll discover how to:

✅ Reprogram your subconscious mind for success.
✅ Tap into the secrets of unlimited wealth and abundance.
✅ Unlock unshakeable confidence in yourself.
✅ Attract life-changing opportunities and people.
✅ And a whole lot more!

You will also be given a WorkBook to take notes and complete EACH DAY of the Challenge.

The Think and Grow Rich Challenge begins each day at:

  • 8:00 AM Pacific
  • 10:00 AM Central
  • 11:00 AM Eastern
  • 4:00 PM BST
  • 1:00 AM AEST

⇒ Register now!

Russell will ALSO be bringing in a number of experts, who are going to show you how they have used Napoleon Hill’s lessons to change their lives significantly, as well.

We’re talking real, practical examples from real life success stories…

To show you what’s possible when you put Napoleon Hill’s ideas into ACTION!

Join the FREE Think & Grow Rich Challenge NOW

We know that you will love this Challenge and, as it is suitable for all ages, you are very welcome to invite family members, colleagues and friends to join you. In fact, feel free to share this with everyone you know! The whole world could do with a lift right now.

Here’s to your success, in all areas of life!


We aim to help YOU to succeed.

Join The Think & Grow Rich Challenge

Discover The Transformative Mind Power Secrets & Actionable Steps, Used By The Most Successful People In The World, To Have The Wealth, Happiness, and Success That You Want!

Discover more from HM EVENT PROMOTIONS

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