How to Get Paid for Your Expertise AND Increase Your Reach, Impact and Influence Using EXPERT SECRETS!

EXPERT SECRETS - Second Edition - book by Russell Brunson.

The book Expert Secrets Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World…

Are you next to implement what Russell Brunson says?

Do you have a copy of Russell Brunson’s EXPERT SECRETS book?

If not, NOW is your chance.

Russell has paid for the book himself, so it’s FREE to order from him and all you have to do is cover the shipping costs for your delivery.

Here is the link to get your free copy:

This is the second edition of the book, as Russell re-wrote a HUGE portion of the original version.

Inside the EXPERT SECRETS book, Russell shares his secrets on the art of finding your voice and creating a message that will connect you with your audience, so that you can convert more visitors into buyers and help the people whom you’re called to serve.

These are the same scripts and strategies that Russell Brunson uses inside each of his funnels and presentations…

You can grab your free copy here…

Claim Your FREE Copy of Expert Secrets 

Remember, the book is FREE plus you pay a small shipping fee.

If you’re the type of person who loves to LISTEN to books, you can grab the Expert Secrets audiobook as an add-on option. That way, you won’t have to wait for the book to ship to you. You can download and listen to it immediately! 

Claim Your FREE Copy of Expert Secrets

If you’ve ever read any of Russell Brunson’s “Secrets” books, then you will already know that each of them holds some serious funnel-building and sales generating power

However, what you probably DON’T know is that Russell spent a lot of time that he never anticipated, re-writing his entire EXPERT SECRETS book…

At the time, it was supposed to be only a “quick update”… a little refresh.

Once he got going, however, Russell found that he could not stop and so, by the time he was done, the 2nd edition had about 50K new words, which is OVER half the book!

So this is, basically, a whole new book!

We were very pleased to order a copy, when we did. It is packed full of gems and guidance.

This book had been in the works for many, many MONTHS and is now highly valued by all who have theirs and are applying what Russell advises.

As mentioned, if you don’t want to wait for the content to arrive, there IS a great upsell after you claim your free book, where you can add the audiobook to your order. You’ll then be able to download it immediately and listen to it!

We are not sure how many books have been ordered, but they are going out on a first come, first served basis. We recommend that you order yours ASAP!

You can claim your FREE copy here…

Get Your FREE Copy Of Expert Secrets Now!

We trust that you’ll really enjoy it!!




“Prior to Expert Secrets, we were struggling to get less than 1% of our visitors to convert to customers. Now we’re doing 4x that!” 
– Liz Dunoon

Expert Secrets has helped me become a more powerful storyteller…” 
– Setema Gali

“New patients started coming in the doors and the practice started growing!” 
– Dr. Chad Woolner

Expert Secrets Helps Me Better Teach Branding and Marketing to My Stylist Students” 
– Danielle White

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